Ron’s Reads 6/9


As usual, below are recent news and opinion articles from around the country. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and thanks for staying informed.

Also, in case you missed my email Thursday, Jim Jordan is coming to Wichita for a rally on June 15. See the details and register at

A few reads to recap the week…

Foreign-Born Workers Dominate U.S. Job Gains While Native-Born Americans Struggle
The Federalist

Biden Turns American Dream of Retirement Into a Nightmare
The Daily Signal

String Of Unanimous SCOTUS Decisions Confirms Proliferation Of Activist Lower Courts
The Federalist

‘Not Going To Be Silenced’: Surgeon Indicted By Biden DOJ For Blowing Whistle On Child Sex Changes Speaks Out
The Daily Caller

Arizona AG Launches Investigation Into Alleged ‘Pay-To-Play’ Scheme Involving Katie Hobbs
The Federalist

Exclusive – Senate Republicans Accuse FCC of Being ‘De Facto Arm’ of Biden Campaign for Advancing Election-Year AI Advertising Regulations

​​1 In 5 NYC Hotels Is Now An Illegal Migrant Shelter, Driving Up Prices
The Federalist

Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping
Wall Street Journal

I’m thankful to have you on my team as I work to defend our constitutional liberties and bring common sense policies back to our nation’s capital.

If you’d like to support me and my team even further, please consider contributing to my campaign.


Thank you for taking the time to stay informed. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Onward to Victory,
Ron Estes