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Recent News

Ron’s Reads 7/21

Friend, As usual, below are recent news and opinion articles from around the country. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and thanks for staying informed. A few reads to recap the week… America Can’t Have Greatness Without Goodness. And There Is No Goodness Without God. The Daily Signal Franklin Graham Shifts the

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Ron’s Reads 7/14

Friend, Today’s Ron’s Reads follows a dark day in our nation’s history. The assassination attempt on President Trump was a horrific display of evil and cowardice by the shooter, but also a display of strength and unity as many across the country quickly condemned the senseless act. As I said yesterday, political violence has no

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Ron’s Reads 7/7

Friend, Susan and I hope you had a great Independence Day and took time to remember the men and women who have sacrificed to make this country free. Even though the Independence Day holiday is over, I’ve included a story in this week’s Ron’s Reads, as well as recent news and opinion articles from around

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