As usual, below are recent news and opinion articles from around the country. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and thanks for staying informed.
A few reads to recap the week…
Experts: US Not Organized or Equipped for the Coming Electromagnetic Wars in Space
Air and Space Forces Magazine
IG Report Reveals FBI Could Still Be Spying On Congress And Leaking To Help Democrats
The Federalist
NORAD Tracks Russian Aircraft off the Coast of Alaska
Air and Space Forces Magazine
Walter Reed Military Medical Center Removes Nativity From Lobby
Todd Starnes
Biden Commutes 1,500 Sentences in One Day, Shattering Record
Washington Free Beacon
Chinese National Arrested for Allegedly Flying Drone Over Military Base Is Being Investigated for More Offenses
The Epoch Times
How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge
Wall Street Journal
I’m thankful to have you on my team as I work to defend our constitutional liberties and bring common sense policies back to our nation’s capital.
If you’d like to support me and my team even further, please consider contributing to my campaign.
Thank you for taking the time to stay informed. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Onward to Victory,
Ron Estes