Ron’s Reads 7/14


Today’s Ron’s Reads follows a dark day in our nation’s history. The assassination attempt on President Trump was a horrific display of evil and cowardice by the shooter, but also a display of strength and unity as many across the country quickly condemned the senseless act. As I said yesterday, political violence has no place in the United States of America.

There are still many questions that need to be answered, but for today, I’m grateful that President Trump only received minor injuries. We pray for the other victims and their families.

I’ve included a couple of stories about yesterday’s assassination attempt in addition to a few other stories I usually include in Ron’s Reads. Before you read this week’s Ron’s Reads, I hope you’ll join me in praying for our country in these uncertain times.

A few reads to recap the week…

Tested by Fire: The 2 Seconds That Define Donald Trump
The Daily Signal

Democrats Started Trying To Strip Trump’s Secret Service Protection Just Months Before Shooting
The Federalist

Liberal Media’s DESPICABLE Coverage of Trump’s Attempted Assassination
The Daily Signal

Nonpartisan commission says COVID-19 likely came from lab and recommends holding China accountable
Washington Examiner

Report: Convicted Felon Hunter Biden Is Joe Biden’s ‘Acting Chief of Staff’

Democrats Calling For Biden To Drop Out Refuse To Say He Should Step Down As President
The Federalist

I’m thankful to have you on my team as I work to defend our constitutional liberties and bring common sense policies back to our nation’s capital.

If you’d like to support me and my team even further, please consider contributing to my campaign.


Thank you for taking the time to stay informed. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Onward to Victory,
Ron Estes