Renewing the American Dream

The American Dream.

It’s more than just a catchphrase here in the United States. It’s a palpable concept that all Americans can live freely, choose their destiny, provide for their family, and experience their God-given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s predicated on the foundation that we have an equal opportunity to achieve our goals in this country, and our destination is only determined by our own path and God’s grace.

The pandemic and ensuing chaos has challenged our core and uprooted our way of life, but Kansans are resilient, and our nation has overcome grave challenges before. Our faith in God and our deep-seated foundational beliefs have and will carry us through.

Amidst our current situation, now is the time to renew the American dream – giving hope to current and future generations. Together, we must strive for the more perfect union our founders wrote about in the Constitution.

That means protecting our freedoms, enhancing school choice and workforce training, and expanding rural broadband capabilities – providing equal opportunities for Americans regardless of their background or zip code.

Renewing our American dream benefits our young children as they learn in the classroom, small businesses owners pouring their lives into a vision, new homeowners venturing out on their own, and legal immigrants seeking a better life.

The news can paint a bleak picture of our future, but we know that America is a land of hope, dreams and opportunity. While challenges will come, the United States is home to pioneers who persevere and pursue the American dream.

Rep. Ron Estes