Ron’s Reads 9/17


I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend. Each week I send this email update with news, opinions and analysis you might have missed. I appreciate how Kansans take the time to stay informed on the issues, and I hope you have a great rest of your Sunday.

A few reads to recap the week…

Biden Admin Announces Release of $6 Billion to Iran on 9/11 Anniversary

Hunter Biden Slapped With Three Felony Gun Charges After Lying On Background Check In 2018
The Federalist

The Left Blames Foreign Automakers—Rather Than Criminals—for Car Theft Surge
The Daily Signal

United Nations declares US-Mexico border the deadliest land migrant route in the world
The Blaze

Court Rules Government Violated First Amendment With Social Media Censorship
Daily Citizen

Biden Nominee: You Should Suffer For Refusing The Covid Shot
The Federalist

California Passes Bill Requiring Parents to Affirm Kids’ Gender ‘Transitions’
The Daily Signal

‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable
The Federalist

I’m thankful to have you on my team as I work to defend our constitutional liberties and bring common sense policies back to our nation’s capital.

If you’d like to support me and my team even further, please consider contributing to my campaign.


If you can’t donate today but would still like to support my team, please forward this email along to your conservative friends and family.


Thank you for taking the time to stay informed. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Onward to Victory,
Ron Estes